Sunday, 15 August 2010

The Secret

On Thursday, my DH bought me a great book that he had heard was an inspiration to many people. It's called The Secret and it is brilliant!
It has made me rethink my life and myself totally. I realise  that I have spent my life so far being ill, moaning about everything and always being of the mindset that we havent got enough money for this, that and the other. From now on, I try at all times to be the opposite, not to mention if i feel bad, upset or depressed. To be thankful for each and every thing that i have and that my family have, not to dwell on the past because it doesnt matter now, what matters now is The Here and Now.
Life is brilliant, and each moment is a new one, ready to fill with as much as you want to. There is always enough of everything we need, and if we dont have it now, then we will one day, when the time is right.
We will have a lovely bungalow one day with a smallholding for a few pygmy goats and the kids will all have their own space, Hubby will have his own study where he will be able to finally write that book that he has always wanted to write. I will have a craft room with all built in storage for everything that I currently hoard. we will have everything we will ever need and more. The universe will provide.
On other matters, we had a really good day yesterday, and after dropping Jack at his summer camp we went to a lovely place for dinner. I had a really great steak and thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful, and for the first time didnt feel guilty about treating ourselves.
Hoping you all have good weekend!
Until then,

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