Wednesday, 4 August 2010

new beginner!

Well, I have finally been dragged into the blogging world! I been reading a number of blogs for a long while now, and thought it was about time that I joined in the fun myself! My son has set me up, and I'm still trying to find my way around.
The reason for this blog is mainly to give myself, and maybe others in my position, a bit of encouragement to get up and do something, instead of sitting on my behind moaning that I haven't done it.
Take for example my main bugbear at the moment. I have a dining room in the house that has totally been taken over by me and my unruly crafts and fabrics. I keep promising myself and the family that I will get it tidied up, and finally start to make the time to craft items for the home that I hope to able to sell one day via an Etsy or Ebay shop. I have promised  this for years now, but instead of doing something to sort it out, I just keep buying more stuff that I "might need one day". Anyone know what I mean?
I am pretty disgusted with myself for being so lazy and not making use of my skills and equipment, and fabrics that I have already. I blame the fact that I have Bi-polar disorder and various related illnesses, but they are really just an excuse.
I have decided that, from today, I will not only spend at least one hour per day sorting the 'craft' room, but I will also attempt to make at least one item from my extensive pattern and fabric collection that could be sold.
So far today, I have spent one hour sorting and made my 2 year old daughter a pair of  trousers from an old tracksuit that my Nan had finished with. My first step has been completed, and I even managed to include some recycling too!
Until next time.


  1. Welcome to bloggy world, Rae! It has helped me to blog about what I do in my home because it makes me feel a little accountable to my readers when I say I'm going to do something. I found you from Rhonda Jean's blog, one of the very best blogs on the Internet in my opinion. I've learned so much from her. Again, welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing your crafting projects as you complete them.

  2. Hello Rae,
    I found you through Rhonda's blog also. You've taken the first step, good for you. We are very busy with elderly parents living with us so some days I only have a few minutes for me. If you haven't got an hour just take 15 minutes. Sometimes it's good to set you kitchen timer and see how much you can organize or put away or even stitch in that time. You might be pleasantly suprised. Don't be hard on yourself, it takes time to learn how to be organized. You are not lazy you just didn't know where to start. If you would like a good site to visit just google Flylady. It's a good site to get you motivated.

    Blessings Gail

  3. Hi

    I too found you on Down to Earth - a wonderful blog.

    The 15 minute idea is great ... it's amazing what you can do in a small amount of time and yes, Flylady is good.

    I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Hi everyone,
    many many thanks for your kind comments and good advice.I have been on the Flylady site and have been further inspired.There are so many great sites out there for the like of myself.Thanks

  5. Thanks for stopping my little piece of "blogland". It's true. Having a blog and knowing that people, especially those you don't really know, are following your journey is both inspiration and motivation. Good luck and know that you've got me in your corner!

  6. Stacia,
    many many thanks for your support, it means a lot.
