Thursday, 5 August 2010

First day as a reformed procrastinator

Hi everyone,
well, today has been quite a good day for me. I used a vinegar and water spray and cleaned my whole kitchen, units, worktops and appliances. I have to admit it hasnt been done by myself for too long, although my Hubby does a cursory wipe now and again!
I also did some more gardening, trimming the cut branches from the trees we trimmed last week in the back garden. They had to be cut smaller so that they can fit into the green recycling bin, nearly done now. maybe one more session, but it rained today so that is enough now.
I rescued my friend from a moth (she's phobic) and had a lovely chat with her and her husband, setting the world to rights. I have only recently got to know this couple, even though they have lived across from me for at least two years. We found that we have so much in common, and she has the same set of values and ideals as myself. I have introduced her to down-to-earth and she is pleased to find that there are more people like her in the world!
I have learned a valuable lesson thanks to the comments that I received after my first post, you CAN do a lot in 15 minutes! Thanks ladies, and thanks Flylady!
I'm a flybaby fluttering my first fluttering flight,
until tomorrow,


  1. Well done! I use vinegar for cleaning and, apart from the initial smell, it's very effective for all sorts of things - particularly taps as we live in a hardwater area. I also use a small amount in the washing machine instead of fabric conditioner and wouldn't use anything else for the windows (which are in desperate need of a clean!)

  2. That's wonderful Rae,

    You're on your way and good for you. Don't try to fly yet, just keep fluttering and one day you'll look round your home and realize that you can actually fly. The main thing to remember is don't try to be perfect, you will only crash. Just do 15minutes at a time and don't forget to spend some YOU time as well, cause you're worth it.

    Blessings Gail

  3. thanks very much, I'll keep trying Babysteps!
