Sunday, 29 August 2010

family time

Hi all, happy sunday!
Well, it has been another busy day here at home. My Hubby took Jack to town to get some games exchanged whilst me and my 2yr old went to our friends next door, where little un gave her a hand to clean out their guinea pig cages. When the boys got back, DD helped her Daddy with his jigsaw and me and Jack made some sponge cakes. Quite an enjoyable time was spent by all, and no cross words between anybody!
We might have some family time like that again, when we get the chance.
Well, got some more cake to eat, so until next time

Thursday, 26 August 2010

still being positive

Hi all,
I've been quite busy this week, so haven't really had much time to blog. I must get my routine sorted to include blogtime each day. Added to that my gorgeous Hubby has been off work for a week so I have eased off a bit on everything.It has been good having him around.
I finally got round to getting my eyes tested and now have to wear glasses all the time. It's a bit confusing for my brain because I have bifocals, and each time I look down I get blurred vision unless I'm reading!
I have been quite good recently at keeping up with my housework and general chores, and even managed to do some light gardening this morning with my eldest son.
I always have a massive list that needs doing around the house, and gradually, finally, I am working through that list and actually getting things done that have needed doing for ages.
I am very proud of my youngest son who got his GCSE grades today. He got an A for Media Studies and two C's for his Science papers. Well done Jack!
Well, got to go now,
Until next tiome

Monday, 23 August 2010

jack loved his room

Just a quick update to let you know that Jack got back from boys camp. He loved his new look room! I have wallpapered and Rob did all the paintwork, then I pinned up all of his 60 ish medals from all his sports around his walls. Apart from managing to hammer my finger very hard, the room went together fairly quickly and we had it ready in time for his return.
I think we will do our room next, it is in dire need of a refurbish, to put it nicely!
until next time

Thursday, 19 August 2010

onward and upward!!

Hi everyone,
sorry I havent blogged for a while but let me explain why.
Since my last post I have been thinking a lot about what I really want from life and have been talking about it with my Hubby Rob.
We have decided to have the attic converted to a storage space by getting flooring and a loft ladder installed so that we can move all the craft collection to the attic, thus freeing up both the room and my mind from the jumble that is my crafting obsession!
This decision has snowballed into a plan for major re-sorting of the whole house! We have already made great headway into cleaning and decorating Jack's room, ready to surprise him on his return from boys camp on Friday.
We have plans ready for action between getting the attic work done (September 28th) and Christmas. I will reveal them as we get closer, so as not to give any secrets away to the family, who may be reading this blog! Let me just throw a hint though, I think I know of a little girl who will have a wonderful surprise for her 3rd birthday on Boxing day!
Well, got to go now, while I'm still in such good spirits.
Until next time
p.s I discovered my very first tiny cucumber and tiny tomato on in my greenhouse yesterday, I have been trying to grow some veggies and I'm so pleased that they are finally showing some signs of sprouting !

Sunday, 15 August 2010

The Secret

On Thursday, my DH bought me a great book that he had heard was an inspiration to many people. It's called The Secret and it is brilliant!
It has made me rethink my life and myself totally. I realise  that I have spent my life so far being ill, moaning about everything and always being of the mindset that we havent got enough money for this, that and the other. From now on, I try at all times to be the opposite, not to mention if i feel bad, upset or depressed. To be thankful for each and every thing that i have and that my family have, not to dwell on the past because it doesnt matter now, what matters now is The Here and Now.
Life is brilliant, and each moment is a new one, ready to fill with as much as you want to. There is always enough of everything we need, and if we dont have it now, then we will one day, when the time is right.
We will have a lovely bungalow one day with a smallholding for a few pygmy goats and the kids will all have their own space, Hubby will have his own study where he will be able to finally write that book that he has always wanted to write. I will have a craft room with all built in storage for everything that I currently hoard. we will have everything we will ever need and more. The universe will provide.
On other matters, we had a really good day yesterday, and after dropping Jack at his summer camp we went to a lovely place for dinner. I had a really great steak and thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful, and for the first time didnt feel guilty about treating ourselves.
Hoping you all have good weekend!
Until then,

Thursday, 12 August 2010

shopping day

I spent a very pleasant morning shopping for clothes with my two sons. Jack is going away to a boys camp on saturday and he wanted some new clothes. He had some earnings left from when he did his filming, and he bought himself some smaller clothes, now that he has lost 3 stone in weight.
My eldest son Chris came with us, and although it was raining very heavily, we had a good time looking for bargains. It was nice to spent some time with the two of them, its a thing we don't get to do these days because they are both so busy.
The afternoon was spent with my husband Rob, who took me along for the ride whilst he went on his usual Thursday quest for comics (sorry-Graphic Novels!).  As usual, I looked for more bargains whilst he was busy buying his books. Got some more cheap tee shirts for Jack and even found one 'alternative' enough for Chris! Isnt it strange that us parents always end up buying for the family instead of ourselves?
Romana-Dawn had a good day at nursery school, she is toilet training at the moment, and she didn't have any 'accidents' today, so she is very happy with herself for being such a big girl. She was so busy playing in school that she didn't have a nap today, and this evening she was asleep by 8pm! That is a first! She normally turns into a little demon around 9pm and I'm normally asleep before her! She is getting such a big  girl now, it's hard to believe that she is three on boxing day, already.
How time flies.
Until next time

Monday, 9 August 2010

I want......

I want to able to wake each day in a tidy room.
To be able to prepare a snack or drink in the kitchen at any time without having to clean dishes or surfaces first..
I want to be able to access my sewing machine and use it daily, perhaps to make an income...
I want the house to be 'guest ready'at all times..
I want to have no more stresses about the condition of the house, and start thinking about myself and my upkeep more..
I want to be able to do what I want at any time, without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else instead..
I want a happy, healthy and contanted Husband and family, and feel that I can achieve this by performing to the best of my abilities in all of my tasks and pledges to myself.
What more can I say?
Until next time

Sunday, 8 August 2010

OOps, missed a day!

Hi everyone,
Well I managed to be so busy yesterday that I didnt get around to writing my blog entry! Sorry!
Just an update today, Jack did really well yesterday at  the competition, hubby had a role play gaming session at his friend's house, and I did lots of washing for my eldest son Chris!
Little Romana-Dawn, my adorable daughter was her usual funny self, and had me laughing at her antics for a lot of the day. She is a little treasure, and sometimes appears to be mentally much older than her two years, a little old soul! We had lots of fun dancing around the kitchen and she kept me entertained with her brilliant imagination and stories. It was nice to spend some time with just the two of us.
I didn't get any sorting out done, I don't tend to do that during the weekend because everyone is normally at home and I don't have time, I will start again tomorrow, although i have at least been working on a task list and have plans in place for next weeks tasks.
Well, Romana-Dawn is trying to learn her alphabet using her favourite book and she is reading it to me, so before she closes my laptop again, time to go!
until next time

Friday, 6 August 2010

Just a quick one today

It has been quite a busy day today, but in a different way. My son jack, aged 15 is  a wheelchair user due to Cerebral Palsy and is a member of the Great Britain Paralympic table tennis squad. He is due to go away tomorrow for a really important competition in another county in England. Today has been mainly filled with sorting and washing/drying his clothes and kit, organising his transport and making sure that all the planning is done, prior to tomorrow. This situation normally finds me on the morning he is due to travel, trying to sort him out ten minutes before he is due to leave!
That at least is an improvement, albeit a small one. My time management is improving daily and my confidence is growing every day, and every time I read the lovely encouraging comments. Many thanks
Until next time
many blessings

Thursday, 5 August 2010

First day as a reformed procrastinator

Hi everyone,
well, today has been quite a good day for me. I used a vinegar and water spray and cleaned my whole kitchen, units, worktops and appliances. I have to admit it hasnt been done by myself for too long, although my Hubby does a cursory wipe now and again!
I also did some more gardening, trimming the cut branches from the trees we trimmed last week in the back garden. They had to be cut smaller so that they can fit into the green recycling bin, nearly done now. maybe one more session, but it rained today so that is enough now.
I rescued my friend from a moth (she's phobic) and had a lovely chat with her and her husband, setting the world to rights. I have only recently got to know this couple, even though they have lived across from me for at least two years. We found that we have so much in common, and she has the same set of values and ideals as myself. I have introduced her to down-to-earth and she is pleased to find that there are more people like her in the world!
I have learned a valuable lesson thanks to the comments that I received after my first post, you CAN do a lot in 15 minutes! Thanks ladies, and thanks Flylady!
I'm a flybaby fluttering my first fluttering flight,
until tomorrow,

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

new beginner!

Well, I have finally been dragged into the blogging world! I been reading a number of blogs for a long while now, and thought it was about time that I joined in the fun myself! My son has set me up, and I'm still trying to find my way around.
The reason for this blog is mainly to give myself, and maybe others in my position, a bit of encouragement to get up and do something, instead of sitting on my behind moaning that I haven't done it.
Take for example my main bugbear at the moment. I have a dining room in the house that has totally been taken over by me and my unruly crafts and fabrics. I keep promising myself and the family that I will get it tidied up, and finally start to make the time to craft items for the home that I hope to able to sell one day via an Etsy or Ebay shop. I have promised  this for years now, but instead of doing something to sort it out, I just keep buying more stuff that I "might need one day". Anyone know what I mean?
I am pretty disgusted with myself for being so lazy and not making use of my skills and equipment, and fabrics that I have already. I blame the fact that I have Bi-polar disorder and various related illnesses, but they are really just an excuse.
I have decided that, from today, I will not only spend at least one hour per day sorting the 'craft' room, but I will also attempt to make at least one item from my extensive pattern and fabric collection that could be sold.
So far today, I have spent one hour sorting and made my 2 year old daughter a pair of  trousers from an old tracksuit that my Nan had finished with. My first step has been completed, and I even managed to include some recycling too!
Until next time.